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Chair ... Luis A. Miranda, Jr.

Co-Chair ... Pat Fili-Krushel

Vice Chairs ... Kenny Leon, Alisa Amarosa Wood

Treasurer ... Mychal Harrison

Secretary ... Gordon J. Davis, Esq.

Founder ... Joseph Papp †


Kwame Anthony Appiah

Andrea E. Bernstein

Jason Blum

Michael Bosworth

Mary Schmidt Campbell

Kurt Chauviere

Lee Daniels

Lisa E. Davis

Gordon J. Davis, Esq.

Yrthya Dinzey-Flores

Susan Edelstein

Eric Ellenbogen

Oskar Eustis*

Hilary C. Feshbach

Pat Fili-Krushel

Danai Gurira

Mychal Harrison

Anne Hathaway

Chris Hogbin

Maxine Isaacs

Ashley Leeds

Kenny Leon

Kim Y. Lew

Jayne Lipman

Luis A. Miranda, Jr.

Hans Morris

Gail Merrifield Papp

Julia Pershan

Julio Peterson

Michael Price

Janice Cook Roberts

Wendi Rose

Alexandra Shiva

Jim Steinberg

Steven C. Taub

Arielle Tepper

Teresa Tsai

Angela Vallot

Alex Volckhausen

Sam Waterston

Audrey Wilf

Frances Wilkinson

Patrick Willingham*

Anne Clarke Wolff

Alisa Amarosa Wood

Sascia Yuan

Staff Representatives

Cristina Ayón-Viesca

Melinda Basaca

Honorary Council

Laurie Beckelman

Colin Callender

Larry Condon †

Kevin Kline

Morgan Freeman

Josh Sapan

Liev Schreiber

Warren J. Spector

Grace Lyu Volckhausen

George C. Wolfe


Honorable Eric Adams
Mayor of the City of New York

Honorable Ken Sunshine
Mayor's Representative

Honorable Adrienne E. Adams
Speaker of the New York City Council

Honorable Andrea Gordillo 
Speaker’s Representative

Honorable Laurie A. Cumbo
Commissioner, Department of Cultural Affairs

Honorable Susan Donoghue
Commissioner, New York City, Department of Parks and Recreation

Chairperson Emeriti

H. Scott Higgins

Kenneth B. Lerer

Joseph B. Martinson †

LuEsther T. Mertz †

Robert Pittman

George C. Scott †

Warren J. Spector

Arielle Tepper

Young Partner Board

Sherry Jun Chen

Jonathan Cohen

Arielle Goren

Andrew Klaber

Karen McClendon

Michael Roberts (Co-Chair)

Sophie Ruddock

Stephanie Turner

Sonal Uberoi

Forrest Wilkinson (Co-Chair)

† Deceased
* Voting Ex-Officios

List current as of 1/17/2025